Self Care as a Tool for Navigating Seasons of Change
Rituals & Habits
We think that when it comes to creating a practice for self-care there are three main components that play an important part: self-reflection, habits, and non-negotiables.
1. Self-Reflection | Listen to what you need, what makes you feel balanced, grounded and recharged.
🔎 What do I need today? ex: When you wake up, check in with how you're physically and emotionally feeling. Perhaps you need to shift your schedule this week to meet yourself where you're at. Feeling social? Make some plans! Feeling drained? Post-pone or ask for help.
2. Habits | Think about the actions you do intentionally and unconsciously daily.
🔎 What shifts can I make that can impact how I go about my day? ex: Moving my body makes me feel less anxious and stressed, so scheduling 30 min workouts for the whole week in advance helps me hold myself accountable.
3. Non-Negotiables | What must you absolutely do (or not do) first thing when you wake up to start your day?
🔎 What are my daily non-negotiables for a more joyful day? ex: Turning my phone on as soon as I wake up stresses me out, so my non-negotiable is taking care of myself first before I attend to work and external people's needs.
Reminder: self-care is a personal practice, and what works for one person may not work for another! The key is to find activities that bring YOU peace and joy!